Teenage Pregnancy - Questionnaire Part 4 APPENDICES

“TEENAGE PREGNANCY: ITS EFFECT ON EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS AND OUT-OF-SCHOOL YOUTH IN MARAMAG, BUKIDNON “ Click - Chapter 1 ; Chapter 2 ; Chapter 3 ; Chapter 4 ; Chapter 5 ; Appendices Part IV – Questionnaire on the future plans of the respondents 1. What is your future plans in life, considering your present situation? ( Unsayimongmgaplanosakinabuhisaumaabot, taliwalasaimongkahimtangkaron? 2. Do you still hope for a brighter future for you and your child? ( Naglaomka pa baugmaayongugmaparasaimongkaugalingonogsaimonganak? Presented in Table 10 are the perceptions of the respondents on the causes of Teenage Pregnancy in terms of church Involvement. The indicator that receive the highest mean is “Participating in church activities strengthen the value of the teen-agers.” This has the mean of 4.25 and described as “Strongly Agree.” Although it ...