Teenage Pregnancy - Questionnaire Part 3 APPENDICES
“TEENAGE PREGNANCY: ITS EFFECT ON EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS AND OUT-OF-SCHOOL YOUTH IN MARAMAG, BUKIDNON “Click - Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4; Chapter 5; AppendicesPart IV – Questionnaire on the future plans of the respondents 1. What is your future plans in life, considering your present situation? ( Unsayimongmgaplanosakinabuhisaumaabot, taliwalasaimongkahimtangkaron?
2. Do you still hope for a brighter future for you and your child? ( Naglaomka pa baugmaayongugmaparasaimongkaugalingonogsaimonganak? Presented in Table 10 are the perceptions of the respondents on the causes of Teenage Pregnancy in terms of church Involvement. The indicator that receive the highest mean is “Participating in church activities strengthen the value of the teen-agers.” This has the mean of 4.25 and described as “Strongly Agree.” Although it is true that the church, next to the family has great influence on the formation of moral values, teenagers now a days find it a taboo to join religious activities and become actively involved in the church. Cesanne (2010) in his study found out that teenagers, with “low level” of
1. I am hurt when I hear people talk about me. | 4.43 | Strongly Agree |
2. I find it difficult to attend school due to my pregnancy. | 4.41 | Strongly Agree |
3. I experience very low self-esteem due to my pregnancy. | 4.30 | Strongly Agree |
4. I find it difficult to study because my attention is focused on the baby. | 4.27 | Strongly Agree |
5. My priority is to look for a part-time job to support my baby. | 4.23 | Strongly Agree |
6. I lost my desire to continue my studies. | 4.17 | Agree |
7. My sibling’s education is affected of what had happened to me. | 4.03 | Agree |
8. Rearing up a child is very demanding. | 3.97 | Agree |
9. It is hard for me to face the community because of my situation. | 3.93 | Agree |
10. I have great desire to finish a degree for the sake of my child. | 3.90 | Agree |
11. My parent lack support and hinders my desire to continue schooling. | 3.87 | Agree |
12. There is very limited time for me to concentrate on my school work. | 3.83 | Agree |
13. My peers and friends lessen their communication with me. | 3.69 | Agree |
14. My plans for college education is still very strong in my heart. | 3.67 | Agree |
15. My parents are hesitant to support my plans to go back to school. | 3.66 | Agree |
OVER ALL MEAN | 4.03 | Agree |
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